Saturday, October 08, 2005

Almost a Lazarus

On 8 pm of June 3, 2005 I and my nurse did a house call for a 47 year old male schizophrenic patient. I saw him lying in his bed ashen gray with sunken eyeballs and gasping for breath. His blood pressure was 80/60. I told his older sister that he must be brought to the nearest hospital so he would be placed on intravenous fluids to replace the volume he obviously lost but she said that he had already been seen or confined in 3 hospitals without any improvement. She said that if I could not save him then it was God's will that he be taken since they already did all they could do.

Larry had been sick for the past three weeks, bedridden for about 10 days and had been passing black tarry stools because of a bad case of stomach ulcer. He also had TB. I immediately gave him two capsules of Active H, 2 ml of Super Hydrate and 50 ml of New Vision's Mangosteen. For one hour I continued interviewing family members and at the end of my interview, Larry's BP had improved to 100/70. I prescribed a daily dosage of 2 Active H caps, 30 ml each of mangosteen and essential minerals and 2 ml of Super Hydrate 3 times a day. When I left the house, Larry was already sitting up and wanted to ambulate but was persuaded by his sister to continue resting in bed. This was even without intravenous fluid.

The next morning, Larry's sister reported that he passed normal colored stools indicating that his upper GI bleeding was under control. He ate a full meal and was out of the house for most of the time. His neighbors were so surprised to see him up and about. They had expected him not to last the night. He could already do his regular household chores and was back to his talkative self.

On June 23, Larry walked into my clinic accompanied by his sister. His BP was 110/70 and had gained 5 pounds. His sister said that he was too active and I therefore decreased his Active H intake to one capsule a day. Now that he was healthy, I could treat his schizophrenia with regular medications.


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