Monday, October 10, 2005

Another Lazarus

A 64 year old man was watching over his cancer-stricken wife at the E. delos Santos Hospital when he suddenly developed right hemiparesis with slurring of speech. He underwent CT scan at the same hospital confirming that he had a stroke. He was admitted in the room next to his wife.

A family friend of theirs called me up if we can do something about his case while I was in the grocery. My friend said that the family wanted to try alternative medicine since their father was not improving seven days after the stroke, and they would not like to lose their father since their mother was already in terminal stage of cancer.

I asked them if they had money but he said that the family had already used up all their finances paying for the mother's medical bills. So I recommended Active H- in powder form since the patient was on nasogastric tube feeding, of course after securing the permission of the attending physician. Fortunately, the attending physician is an Active H- user also but he recommended giving the supplement in the morning. My friend asked my opinion and I said that we cannot wait for the morning because time was of the essence in cases like this. So they went ahead and gave one scoop of Active H- powder through NGT at 10 pm that evening.

At 1:00 am or three hours after, the patient's caregiver was roused because the patient stood up. She thought she was seeing a ghost but the patient walked to the bathroom unaided and when he returned to his bed, he took out his NGT and asked for food because he was so hungry. He ate his food using both hands. The patient then paced back and forth in his room and kept the caregiver awake the whole morning.

The patient was discharged that same morning after being cleared by his attending physician. He had regained his motor skills completely with only a slight slurring of speech. He has been religiously taking his Active H- since then.


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