Monday, October 10, 2005

Unsolicited Erections

My husband received an early morning phone call from a 65 year old man. He introduced himself as WB whom we had met at a health seminar we had conducted a month before in BF Homes. At that time, he had just started taking Active H- every other day because he was not sure of its interaction with his anti-hypertensive drug. He had also confided to me that he had hypertension more than 10 years back and upon further prodding, admitted that he had problems with his erection for the better part of five years.

I told him then that since he was monitoring his blood pressure daily, then he could take Active H- daily and added that Active H- could help him with his erectile dysfunction if he took at least 2 caps/day. I told him to expect his BP to gradually improve and when that happened, he could taper off his anti-hypertensive drug.

So when he called our house a month after our conversation, my husband asked him if he had any problems. WB said that he just wanted to report that he was off his drug, that he was taking two caps of Active H- daily and his blood pressure was maintaining at 120/80. Then my husband ask him about his sex life, and he laughed out loud and said that he was experiencing "unsolicited erections."


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