Friday, May 12, 2006

A Young Asthma Patient

Let's call her Samantha, a 17 year old nursing student. She has been asthmatic since five years old and has been on various medication- name it and she has tried it.

Her dad was the first to try Active H- for his hypertension, and he was so happy with the results- no more hypertension and more importantly for him and his wife, restoration of his libido. Of course, his wife started taking Active H- to start coping with her hyperactive husband. Then we told both that Active H- was especially effective for asthmatics and so they encouraged their daughter to take one capsule a day. After a week, their daughter cut down her inhalation to once a day (instead of the regular two times and sometimes three). In fact, Samatha's mother reported to me that she did not know that her daughter had ran out of medication for two weeks during her semester break, until her daughter told her. All the while, Samantha was on Active H- and she did not have one single asthma attack. Now she is back on one inhalation a day to make sure she is fortified during stress-filled class days but with her daily Active H- capsule has kept off any asthma attack.


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