Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Canine Patient

We have a 7 year old male white labrador retriever named Storm. In January, 2005, we came home about 9 pm and I noticed that he was limping. Upon closer inspection, I found out that his left front leg was retracted and when I stroked it, Storm whimpered. I diagnosed athritis and my children said that he should be brought to the vet the next day.

However, I remembered that when we attended the New Vision Christmas party a month ago, I heard a testimonial from a distribute who told her story of how Active H had cleared the eyes of her old dog with a bad case of cataract plus enabled this athritic dog to walk again. At that time, the audience, including myself and my husband, had a good laugh.

I decided that since I had some leftover Active H- powder (used for ORP testing) and wanting to find out for myself, I mixed in a minute amount of Active H- into Storm's water bowl. The next day at about 8 am, Storm was his usual active self with no trace of a limp while he was running back and forth in our front garden.

Then on March, my kids pointed out a growing mass in Storm's underside. It was pinkish and looked like a macopa cut in half with a small like black thread growing out of the center of the mass. I thought that it looked cancerous and needed to be operated on. Thinking of Storm in pain post-op made me turn to Active H-. I decided to mix with his water one-fourth scoop everyday and wonders of wonders- the mass started to shrink on the 4th day and completely disappeared on the third week. What remained of the two-inch diameter mass was a tiny brown scar.

Food for thought: if it was able to completely cure our dog's mass, think what it could do for a mass in a human.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Unsolicited Erections

My husband received an early morning phone call from a 65 year old man. He introduced himself as WB whom we had met at a health seminar we had conducted a month before in BF Homes. At that time, he had just started taking Active H- every other day because he was not sure of its interaction with his anti-hypertensive drug. He had also confided to me that he had hypertension more than 10 years back and upon further prodding, admitted that he had problems with his erection for the better part of five years.

I told him then that since he was monitoring his blood pressure daily, then he could take Active H- daily and added that Active H- could help him with his erectile dysfunction if he took at least 2 caps/day. I told him to expect his BP to gradually improve and when that happened, he could taper off his anti-hypertensive drug.

So when he called our house a month after our conversation, my husband asked him if he had any problems. WB said that he just wanted to report that he was off his drug, that he was taking two caps of Active H- daily and his blood pressure was maintaining at 120/80. Then my husband ask him about his sex life, and he laughed out loud and said that he was experiencing "unsolicited erections."

Another Lazarus

A 64 year old man was watching over his cancer-stricken wife at the E. delos Santos Hospital when he suddenly developed right hemiparesis with slurring of speech. He underwent CT scan at the same hospital confirming that he had a stroke. He was admitted in the room next to his wife.

A family friend of theirs called me up if we can do something about his case while I was in the grocery. My friend said that the family wanted to try alternative medicine since their father was not improving seven days after the stroke, and they would not like to lose their father since their mother was already in terminal stage of cancer.

I asked them if they had money but he said that the family had already used up all their finances paying for the mother's medical bills. So I recommended Active H- in powder form since the patient was on nasogastric tube feeding, of course after securing the permission of the attending physician. Fortunately, the attending physician is an Active H- user also but he recommended giving the supplement in the morning. My friend asked my opinion and I said that we cannot wait for the morning because time was of the essence in cases like this. So they went ahead and gave one scoop of Active H- powder through NGT at 10 pm that evening.

At 1:00 am or three hours after, the patient's caregiver was roused because the patient stood up. She thought she was seeing a ghost but the patient walked to the bathroom unaided and when he returned to his bed, he took out his NGT and asked for food because he was so hungry. He ate his food using both hands. The patient then paced back and forth in his room and kept the caregiver awake the whole morning.

The patient was discharged that same morning after being cleared by his attending physician. He had regained his motor skills completely with only a slight slurring of speech. He has been religiously taking his Active H- since then.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Almost a Lazarus

On 8 pm of June 3, 2005 I and my nurse did a house call for a 47 year old male schizophrenic patient. I saw him lying in his bed ashen gray with sunken eyeballs and gasping for breath. His blood pressure was 80/60. I told his older sister that he must be brought to the nearest hospital so he would be placed on intravenous fluids to replace the volume he obviously lost but she said that he had already been seen or confined in 3 hospitals without any improvement. She said that if I could not save him then it was God's will that he be taken since they already did all they could do.

Larry had been sick for the past three weeks, bedridden for about 10 days and had been passing black tarry stools because of a bad case of stomach ulcer. He also had TB. I immediately gave him two capsules of Active H, 2 ml of Super Hydrate and 50 ml of New Vision's Mangosteen. For one hour I continued interviewing family members and at the end of my interview, Larry's BP had improved to 100/70. I prescribed a daily dosage of 2 Active H caps, 30 ml each of mangosteen and essential minerals and 2 ml of Super Hydrate 3 times a day. When I left the house, Larry was already sitting up and wanted to ambulate but was persuaded by his sister to continue resting in bed. This was even without intravenous fluid.

The next morning, Larry's sister reported that he passed normal colored stools indicating that his upper GI bleeding was under control. He ate a full meal and was out of the house for most of the time. His neighbors were so surprised to see him up and about. They had expected him not to last the night. He could already do his regular household chores and was back to his talkative self.

On June 23, Larry walked into my clinic accompanied by his sister. His BP was 110/70 and had gained 5 pounds. His sister said that he was too active and I therefore decreased his Active H intake to one capsule a day. Now that he was healthy, I could treat his schizophrenia with regular medications.