Saturday, May 20, 2006

Gout is Out

My husband was a chronic patient who continued to suffer gout because of his love of peanuts and chocolates. His family has a history of gout- his elder sister had a first attack of gout when she turned 40, and same thing happened to my husband six years ago (now you know his age). From then on, he had gout attacks about every six months and gulped colchicine and allupurinol tabs to treat it. The first gout tormented his big toe, then his ankle, then back to a big toe.... He continued eating peanuts and chocolates, saying that he was willing to take the gouty pain for three days in order to enjoy his favorite food for six months.

Then he discovered Active H- 17 months ago, and since he has been taking it daily, he has had only one gout attack. Why did he even have that one gout attack? Because he quit taking Active H- for one month so that he could try our mangosteen drink and compare its anti-gout effect. After that, he went back to faithfully ingesting one level scoop of Active H- powder daily (equal to two capsules). Then this week we went to Subic, and he forgot to bring his AH powder. On the third day of AH abstinence and non-stop chocnut consumption, he woke up with a sem-swollen ankle and walked with a limp. There was no doubt in our minds that he was under a gout attack- I told him to immediately swallow two of my AH capsules (I always bring a bottle everywhere I go). We were going home to Manila that day, and he drove for three hours. He told me that his right ankle was still swollen but he felt less pain. That evening he walked with a slight limp but the next day, he told me that he woked up with absolutely no ache in his right ankle (same thing happened to our labrador- you can read about it in a separate article).

A gout attack normally lasts for three days even with conventional medication but in one day, Active H- cured the gout onset. That is why I do not consider this a gout attack since it was resolved in one day. Now my husband continues to eat peanuts and chocnuts fully confident that AH will protect him from gout. I do believe him!!!


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